Learn everything you need to know about light and off-camera flash to produce amazing photographs in my latest Lighting Essentials Photography Workshop being held on Saturday June 8th in Fremantle, Perth. A lot of people find flash intimidating and I’m here to get rid of that fear once and for all. It’s easier than you think!
If you appreciate my work, and you want to learn how I do it, then this if perfect for you because I’m going to show you! This workshop is designed to showcase a complete breakdown of my approach to off-camera lighting and how I achieve my results. Now a workshop isn’t a workshop if you’re not getting your hands dirty so not only are you going to see me shoot a demonstration, but you will get to shoot as well. I have recruited three beautiful models for you to work with and I’ll play the supervisor role to help expand your photography as much as I can. Check out the workshop page to see our special guest! (https://www.brodiebutler.com//////workshop2019/)
At this workshop we will be using both the Godox (AD600 Pro) and the Profoto (B1X) battery powered lights and the respective wireless transmitters/receivers from those brands. These are my preferred lighting systems because they are compact and portable, so you can experience both to see what fits you and your budget.
There is a structure and a schedule to my workshops but I am a very laid back person, and my workshops are designed to offer a bit more of an informal, relaxed and personal experience. So ask questions, have fun, and enjoy yourself. Just some of the things we will cover are:
- Lighting equipment (incl. flashes and light meters)
- Understanding the characteristics of light
- The 5 variables (shutter speed, aperture, ISO, flash power, flash to subject dist.)
- Inverse square law (don’t worry, no math required)
- Types of light (main light, fill light, rim light etc)
- Correct white balance
- When and how to use modifiers and reflectors
- Hard light vs soft light and when to use both.
- Lighting types (broad lighting & short lighting).
- How to balance daylight and flash
- Using High Speed Sync vs Short Flash Duration
- How to make your subjects pop
- Posing techniques
- and more!
If you’re interested in the workshop head over to the official workshop page here to register: https://www.brodiebutler.com//////workshop2019
See you there!