So just about every man on earth has heard of Dan Bilzerian by now and the chances are they envy him. Dan has the incredible lifestyle of doing whatever he wants every single day. If this keeps up, the famous “I wanna be like Mike” saying just might get replaced with “I wanna be like Dan”.  So in the spirit of wanting to be like Dan, I wanted to help all you internet folks out there with a step by step guide on how you can be like Dan Bilzerian. So here it is.. Pay attention!  Note: this is a parody.
Play Poker… and Win!
The trick is to win slightly more than the $250 odd dollars I won at this tournament. Add a few zeros on the end, like a lot of zeros, and you’re on your way.
Get the Private Jet!
This here is a Challenger 850. Not a bad rig at all but not quite your G6. Good enough to unlock Bilzerian status.
Start the Supercar Collection!
McLaren MP4 12C is certainly one on the top of my list.
Play with Guns, Big Guns!
This could be hard for the Australians, but if you’re in America and you love your rights, start stocking up on huge guns. The bigger the better. I’m holding an AK47 below. It’ll do some damage but its no rocket launcher.
Star in a Movie
Even Dan has made it onto the big screen in a film he part funded called Lone Survivor. Yeah thats right, the one with Marky Mark in it. I didnt get to oppose Mark Whalberg but I did get to go up against Mr GQ, Elliott Vassila.
Grow a Dirty Big Beard
Nothing says “man” like a dirty big beard. So get growing!
Hit The Gym
Ok so maybe that’s not me, but I took the photo and from what I’ve learnt about gym-goers, taking photos of working out is more important than working out.
Surround yourself with Honeys.
Now that, I can do. (click to enlarge)
Do Copius amounts of Drugs
Don’t be silly, Dan doesnt do drugs.
Well this was a bit of fun. Sure, I probably left a few things out like acquiring pet goats, but I have never had to take photos of goats, so I’m going to wrap it up here. I’m extremely lucky to do what I do as a photographer and I have so much fun doing it. Â I get to meet the most amazing and talented people, experience the most exotic forms of transport, I get to travel and even party here and there. What all this does is it gives me just a tiny glimpse of the life that someone like Dan Bilzerian experiences on a day to day basis. Â It’s all a huge amount of fun. I have to say it’s pretty amazing to have that sort of freedom to do these kinds of things whenever you please, Â I’m just very grateful for what I do have and that I get to experience this from time to time doing what I love. Taking cool pictures.
Have a good day!
One Comment
hi Brodie
what would you charge for 2 days of steadicam operating on a shoot; to provide your own RED or BLACK MAGIC.
Filming in the hills wed-thur 1-2nd April.
Quote must include steadicam, camera, 2-3 lenses (wide, portrait, long), and any other required items.
Thank you,