

Need a clean up?

Want your images to disappear?

Often people change their minds and decide they no longer want to honour the terms & conditions or the agreement they signed due to unforeseen circumstances whatever they may be, and they want their images to be hidden from the world. At BBP we certainly understand this happens, and we want to help!

An image here or there is no problem and we will delete for you and there is no need to proceed with this page. But if you happened to have a popular image set that may have been used more, or you are just concerned and want to make sure everything is gone from every possible forum, then this form is for you.

In reality, this is impossible to control or guarantee, but we can certainly try and remove all instances of the images within our power and allow you to break free from your contract.

No photoshoot goes ahead without an acceptance of our agreement. An excerpt from every agreement you would have accepted states:

“Brodie Butler Photography (BBP) retains copyright and all moral rights in each image produced and retains ownership of all original captures and processed files supplied. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the images are supplied on a non-exclusive basis.

Brodie Butler Photography retains the right to use the images and/or video for self-promotion and for portfolio purposes including but not limited to his website and social media such as instagram and facebook.

If you would like to opt to keep the work produced private you must consult Brodie Butler as this may affect your cost.”

This means that your images may have been put to use in online portfolios and/or websites, social media accounts, in-house materials, training materials and so on.

In free collaboration or TFP (Time for Print) arrangements this is often assumed without any paperwork being signed in an exchange for you to use the images in your own way.

If you wish to have all instances of your images removed to the best of our ability, then you can purchase the clean slate service.

Shoot date Greater than 4 years ago: 

Clean Slate Fee (Standard – 15 business days): $245 incl GST
Clean Slate Fee (Rush Service –  72hrs): $389 incl GST. (not always available)

Shoot date Less than 4 years ago: 

Clean Slate Fee (Standard – 12 business days): $440 incl GST
Clean Slate Fee (Rush Service –  72hrs): $599 incl GST. (not always available)

What does Clean Slate Include? 

  • Allow you to exit from the accepted agreement/arrangement.
  • Remove all instances of your images from websites in our control including subpages, and any graphics or artwork.
  • Remove all instances from any in-house promotional materials
  • Remove all instances from any training/educational materials.
  • Removal from all internal image set lists.
  • Remove all instances from all Social Media accounts associated with BBP including Facebook & instagram.
  • Remove all instances from portfolio websites such as Behance, 500px, flickr etc.
  • Images are to be red flagged so they are not used again.
  • Remove BBP’s right to use in a portfolio in a public domain.
  • While every effort is made, we can’t guarantee we will catch every instance and can’t control what the internet has done with any pre-existing content or any content cached on servers such as search engines.

Why is this costing me? 

  • You are wanting to break an established agreement/arrangement.
  • You would not have received a discounted rate if you opted to make your images private from the beginning.
  • This is a huge inconvenience to Brodie Butler Photography.
  • This detracts away from BBP’s own public portfolio of work.
  • Website administrators are not free.
  • Social media managers are not free.
  • This takes a considerable amount of time to go through this process and check everything.

Is there a FREE option? 

Yes. If you are concerned only about search engine results, then all metadata referencing your name within any of BBP’s websites including filenames, and any tags or metadata referencing you on social media will be removed. This means that images will remain on BBP’s portfolio websites and social media, but they will not be searchable as there will be no reference to you in any way. The search engines will eventually register the change and prevent the results from showing. It will seem as if they are removed.

Can you remove video too? 

Videos that appear on my youtube or that makeup reels, especially if they were done as sponsor/partner videos; will not be taken down. You may need to contact Brodie.

Do I own the images? 

No. While you and/or your property may appear in the work/s, remember all images/media belongs to, and is the sole Intellectual Property of Brodie Butler Photography.

Will you delete the images? 

No. At the end of the day the content is still the property of Brodie Butler Photography and will be kept on file.

Can I buyout the copyright of the images? 

Technically yes, but this is an expensive exercise and is rarely done.

Please fill out the form below, and payment details will be provided upon submitting it.

Clean Slate Request Form
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If you may have booked under a stage name or variation.
I want the;
Rush service depends on availability.
If you cant remember see below
If you don't know the exact date, tell us approximately when it was
Please let us know why 🙂
Please make a list of where you know the images to be published to aid us in removing them. You can include links.